Top 25 Cities for Your Career
My hometown of Austin is consistently rank as the top place to live for various reasons. According to Austin was recently ranked #1 City for Your Career. It has the best “Bang for your Buck”.
#1. Austin, TX
Population: 743,074
Average Salary: $41,330
Cost of Living Rank (in a 1-100 list): 51
Average Commute Time: 21.9 minutes
Job Growth Rank (in a list of 372 Highest Growth Cities): 6
Unemployment Rate: 6.3
Austin tops our list with robust projected job growth and one of the lowest changes in unemployment rate since the onset of the recession. The city has enjoyed a recent explosion of high-tech entrepreneurism, and its two largest employers — the state government and the University of Texas — are expected to add a couple thousand jobs this year. A “best cities” list veteran, Austin’s our top pick!